
Inspiring Techpreneurs
In today’s world of technology and business, a new class of entrepreneurs has arisen – The Techpreneurs. They form a subdivision of entrepreneurs who manage to harvest technology and convert every seemingly minor opportunity into a successful commercial reality. Like entrepreneurship there is no pre-determined recipe to be a successful techpreneurs.
Starting a business may sound like a fantastic idea – like living in a dream that you will be your own boss? Of course, it’s easier said than done. There are numerous risks to start a business, as well as the haunting fear that you will fail. It all begins with learning what works, taking strategic steps, planning every move, and delivering your vision to the market. If your ideas are good, you will find your target audience. If you fail, revise your plan and release it again as a version 2.0. Being a techpreneur differs from being an innovator. Innovators invent their ideas, but techpreneurs take the steps necessary to kickstart their ideas into action. The end of the 20th century is marked by the rapid growth of technology and the exploration of the full potential of the internet. Combining tech inventions with entrepreneurship ventures led us to the creation of techpreneurs – young leaders that take action. Do you have what it takes to be one?
In this blog I aim to inspire, motivate and invigorate techpreneurs who are enthusiastic and have burning desire to become a techpreneur.
"Great minds enjoy excellence, average minds love mediocrity and small minds adore comfort zones."
Warm Up:
My top 11 favourite quotes –
"You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out" "Stay hungry, Stay foolish." - Steve Jobs
Your I Can is more important than your IQ – Robin Sharma
In order to succeed spectacularly, you have to be willing to fail spectacularly. - Biz Stone
The common question that gets asked in business is, ‘why?’ That’s a good question, but an equally valid question is, 'why not?' - Jeff Bezos
I don’t care that they stole my idea … I care that they don’t have any of their own. - Nicola Tesla
An Entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down - Reid Hoffman
I like to say it’s an attitude of not just thinking outside the box, but not even seeing the box. - Safra Catz
I have the attitude that anything is doable, that I can make anything happen. - Lori Greiner
I really believe that entrepreneurship is about being able to face failure, manage failure and succeed after failing. - Kiran Muzumdar Shaw
Some people dream for success while others wake up and work hard at it. - Mark Zuckerberg
Your will is the most accurate way to predict future. - Elon Musk

"The technology age isn’t the future, it's right now, and you need to be taking advantage of it."
You probably know the difference between technologist and entrepreneur but most important difference you should know is between technologist vs techpreneur. A single example of “Wright Brothers Vs Curtiss” wide opens your eyes. Wright brothers may have invented the aeroplane technology but Glenn Curtiss has turned it into an multi billion dollar industry. Wright brothers wasted their time in defending their technology and in doing so they missed the potential market opportunities and Glenn Curtiss just played the role of opportunist instead of perfectionist.
Most common mistakes that technologist are committing - overthinking, overdesigning and playing defensive, where they often miss the potential market opportunities. Also speaking about the pitching, I would say that technologists know their product well but it is hard to prevent them from revealing lot of technical/sensitive data. On other side, the business development personal sometimes go overboard and gives wrong commitments over product features, prices, timelines etc. which later becomes the pain points for technologists. Here we need a technopreneurial attitude.
Problem Solver
Critically evaluates the problems and uses scientific approaches to solve. Studies the problem better than anyone else. Believes in difficult problems can also have simple solutions.
See things which other people fail to see. Optimistic as always, never thinks that things won’t work without trying first.. Realistic dreamer with strong sense of forecasting
Knows work break down and prioritising. Multitasker and focused when necessary. Productivity never goes out of focus. Punctual, organized and clear. Understands what is important and what is not.
Goes and changes things because he can. Doesn’t seek for appreciation or motivation instead create for others. Result oriented approaches.

An active learner who has a thirst for knowledge. Sets time aside to pick up more skills. Takes things apart, even breaks them, to understand concepts
Sells ideas and buys collaborators. Immediately identifies lesson that comes with being a startup entrepreneur – and moves on. Speaks with confidence, because he believes in what he’s doing
Always obsessed over ideas, constantly working on grand plans and minute details. Everything matters. Enthusiastically does things differently. Keep experimenting
Emotional intelligent. Understand the need of support system, especially family, friends, colleagues etc. Respects every job and everyone.
How you will become a Techpreneur?
Sorry there won’t be any spoon-feeding or handholding for that or in fact you can’t be 100% trained either. It is a self-discovery and experiential learning. If you see following 2 symptoms in your daily routine then be assured that you are on right path.
Technological ideas will not let you sleep easily.
Still if you managed to sleep and started shouting break even points, EBIT, Cashflows etc related financial stuff in your dream.
Now it is time to raise the bar higher and then a little bit higher again...